Vertical Ignition: Performance Training Manual
Vertical Ignition is a total training philosophy for the modern speed and power athlete, with a special emphasis on vertical jump. The program is a launch-vehicle to take an athlete to his or her highest explosive athletic potential.
Vertical Ignition is centered around a unique, revolving system of specific and high-transfer variations of sprinting and jumping. These are arranged into a total package that yields unmatched training gains.
If you want to be a better athlete, coach or trainer, then Vertical Ignition is waiting for a place in your arsenal of methods. From 5" vertical jump gains in highly trained athletes, world-leading track and field performances, to taking highlight reel dunkers to the next level, Vertical Ignition is a system that you can't pass up.
(This product is "pay what you want", which means that you can pay $25 for the full product, but we suggest $40-47 as a generally fair price considering similar products on the market)